Chanakya's Blog

Castles in the Air #1 (DRAFT)

2022 Jun 12

This is series of concepts dumped into a blog post. These are generated or created by my wandering mind and it kind of became a habit to wander around these concepts when Im bored or inspired.

Concept 1: Creation of Sub-Atomic Preservation Technology

A tech that can preserve the atoms in the same state. Thus humans try to travel interstellar and Few preserve themselves on earth.

Lore dump:

After the accidental leakage of this tech to public. People poured their money into large interstellar travel machines to transport themselves some new worlds. But things go wrong, cause destruction of it. and mass world crisis occurs. Few secretly and independetly send some people to space. Lot of them preserve themselves. World goes hibernation. Few currently active try to rebuild the community.

If you are planning to use them in your Sci-Fi media, Consider crediting or contacting me.